Health and Safety Plan

AKAD Constraction LLC is committed to working in accordance with the latest provisions of the Dubai Municipality and other UAE authorizes’ laws and policies relevant to Health & Safety at work place, and other industry standard in that regard. It is vital to ensure the safety and health of all employees is protected whilst at work, and to provide such information, training and supervision, needed for this purpose.

We are also committed to ensuring that persons not employed by our company who may be affected by our activities shall be protected, so far as is reasonably practicable.

Our detailed Health and Safety Plan ensures that:

  • Work activities are properly managed to ensure the health and safety of our employees.
  • Our Health and Safety Plan is maintained, updated and written risk assessments are carried out and reviewed as required and brought to the attention of all employees at least annually.
  • Identified protective and preventive measures are implemented and maintained.
  • Improper conduct likely to put an employee’s safety and health at risk is prevented.
  • A safe place of work is provided, which is adequately designed and maintained.
  • A safe means of access and egress is provided.
  • Safe plant and equipment is provided.
  • Safe systems of work are provided.
  • Risks to health from any article or substance is prevented.
  • Appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided.
  • Suitable protective clothing and equipment, where hazards cannot be eliminated, are provided.
  • Emergency plans are prepared and revised.

All employees, including sub-contractor employees and self-employed persons, have the responsibility to co-operate with supervisors and managers to comply with statutory provisions and to achieve a healthy and safe workplace for themselves and others affected by their work.

This Safety Policy and the Safety Statement will be reviewed and updated to allow for changing circumstances and ensure operational effectiveness. We will ensure that our Safety Management System is complied with and our annual targets and objectives are met with a view to continual improvement.

This Statement is distributed to all Contracts Managers, Site Managers and Designated Supervisors and shall be available at locations where this company carries on business.


Company Organization Chart